Partition: Displacement and Rehabilitation| Class 12 Political Science Notes
Partition – Displacement and Rehabilitation: On 14-15 August 1947, not one but two nation-states came into existence – India and Pakistan. This was a result of ‘partition’, the division of British India into India and Pakistan. The drawing of the border demarcating the territory of each country marked the culmination of political developments in both nations....
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Integration of Trigonometric Functions
Integration is the process of summing up small values of a function in the region of limits. It is just the opposite to differentiation. Integration is also known as anti-derivative. We have explained the Integration of Trigonometric Functions in this article below....
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Frenkel Defect
Frenkel defect, also known as the Frenkel pair, is a type of point defect in crystal lattice structures. It was named after the Russian physicist Yakov Frenkel, who first proposed the concept in 1926. This defect involves the displacement of an atom from its normal lattice site to an interstitial site, creating both a vacancy at the original site and an interstitial atom elsewhere in the crystal lattice. It is commonly observed in ionic solid due to difference between size of cations and anions....
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Points, Lines and Planes
Points, Lines, and Planes are basic terms used in Geometry that have a specific meaning and are used to define the basis of geometry. We define a point as a location in 3-D or 2-D space that is represented using the coordinates....
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Implicit Differentiation
Implicit Differentiation is a useful tool in the arsenal of tools to tackle problems in calculus and beyond which helps us differentiate the function without converting it into the explicit function of the independent variable. Suppose we don’t know the method of implicit differentiation. In that case, we have to convert each implicit function into an explicit function, which is sometimes very hard and sometimes it is not even possible....
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Probability Distribution Function
Probability Distribution Function is a function in mathematics that gives the probability of all the possible outcomes of any event. We define probability distribution as how all the possible probabilities of any event are allocated over the distinct values for an unexpected variable....
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Radius Ratio Rules
The three physical states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Any state of matter may be transformed into another by varying the temperature and pressure. At lower temperatures, the most prevalent state of matter is solid. By elevating the temperature of a solid to its melting point, enough energy is injected into the solid to overcome intermolecular forces of attraction and melt the solid and change it into a liquid. When liquids are heated to their boiling temperatures, they evaporate and become gaseous. On the other hand, when gases are cooled and subjected to high pressure, they can be changed into liquids, which can then be further cooled to produce solids....
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Adsorption Isotherms
The phenomenon of the congregation of the highest concentration of any molecular species on a surface than the agglomeration of a solid (or liquid) is called adsorption. It deals with the chemistry at the range which separates two bulk phases. This range is also known as surface and interface. △H and △S of adsorption are negative. Most adsorption processes are exothermic, therefore, adsorption decreases with increasing temperature....
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Web Services – Definition, Working, Types, Applications
Web Service is the set of rules or guidelines which enable communication among different applications via the World wide web (.i.e. the internet). Before web service, there were other technologies but some of them have dependencies such as EJB (enterprise java bean) which allows applications to communicate only if the applications are working on Java, these dependencies make communication difficult. These dependencies are removed by web services....
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What is Catalysis? – Definition, Types, Characteristics
In a catalysed process, the catalyst usually reacts chemically with the reactants but is eventually regenerated, thus the catalyst level remains constant. Because the catalyst isn’t consumed, each molecule of catalyst can cause the transformation of a large number of reactant molecules. The number of molecules changed every minute by a single molecule of active catalyst can be as high as several million....
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First Order Differential Equation
A first-order differential equation is a type of differential equation that involves derivatives of the first degree (first derivatives) of a function. It does not involve higher derivatives. It can generally be expressed in the form: dy/dx = f(x, y). Here, y is a function of x, and f(x, y) is a function that involves x and y....
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Difference Between Ecosystem and Biome
Ecosystem and Biome are related to each other because both terms are associated with the environment of our planet. On one hand, an ecosystem represents the interaction of different types of organisms with their physical environment in a particular habitat whereas, on the other hand, a biome represents all the ecosystems present in a particular geographical location. The term ecosystem was coined by Sir A.G. Tansley in 1935 and biome was coined by F.E. Clements in 1906....
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